Partner with an expert to increase pipeline capacity, decrease friction loss, increase pump efficiency and reduce pumping costs.
SFE Global is known in the water, wastewater, and industrial sectors as a leader in pipeline pigging technologies. From water to sewer to petroleum product pipelines, pigging has been used since about 1930 as an effective and efficient process for cleaning various pipelines.
For over 20 years SFE Global has been specializing in pipeline pigging. We help our clients improve water quality, ensure pipelines are clear from all debris, and assess potential pipeline deficiencies when cleaning in combination with electronic pipeline condition assessment.
Pipeline pigging is a cost-effective solution for improving capacity, reducing pumping costs, and improving water quality.
Contact SFE team to learn about the benefits
Whether you’re a City Utilities Director, Engineering Consultant, or Manager of an industrial facility, chances are you’ve come across a pipeline that requires cleaning for one reason or another. Pipeline pigging has been used for over 50-years as an effective way to clean pressurized pipe systems.
As a pigging contractor, SFE Global has the experience and equipment to meet your pipe cleaning needs.
Here at SFE we generally get one of two calls from our clients with pipeline pigging needs. The first is for preventative maintenance measures. Keeping pipelines clear of debris and scale means C-Factors are kept high, friction loss is reduced, pumps are able to operate as intended, pipeline life cycle is extended. As a result, the total cost of operation is reduced. The second call we get is due to emergency circumstances when pipeline capacity or water quality has been abruptly diminished.
In most cases utilizing the progressive pigging approach, we can clear the blockage and renew the pipeline to its original flow capacity.
SFE has performed pigging services for various clients from Alaska to the state of Georgia. Typical pigging applications include:
- Domestic Water Systems
- Sanitary Sewer Force Mains
- Sanitary Sewer Siphon Mains
- Agriculture Irrigation Pipelines
- Petroleum Products Pipelines
- Mine Tailings Pipelines
- Dedicated Fire Suppression Systems
- Various Wastewater Treatment Plant Pipelines
Contact us today and benefit from pipeline pigging.