Low-Impact Development (LID), a term used to describe a land planning and engineering design approach to managing stormwater runoff.  LID emphasizes conservation and use of on-site natural features to protect water quality along with reducing peak flow rates during various intensity rainfall events.

LID projects have become commonplace in our Cities, Counties, and Districts… but are they performing to the engineered specification?  Are they working at all?  Frequently used LID practices include:

  • Rain Gardens
  • Green Roofs
  • Pervious Pavers
  • Bio-swales
  • On-site Infiltration Pits
  • Commercially manufactured stormwater management devices


SFE Global has extensive experience in monitoring the performance of these LID projects.  We have the appropriate instrumentation and custom solutions to monitor the effectiveness of these developments.  Typical parameters include rainfall, water quality, water level and flow rates.



Monitoring is performed wirelessly and in near real-time, allowing engineers and stakeholders to see first-hand how their high profile LID project is performing.  Monitoring systems can be setup on a permanent or temporary basis, allowing the user to tailor their program to meet objectives and budgets.


Please contact SFE Global for more information on how we can assist with performance monitoring of your LID development.  Mike Lemmen can be reached directly at mike.lemmen@sfeglobal.com, via telephone at 1.866.332.9876, or through our website contact page at www.sfeonline.com